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Family Ministry

Parents are the primary shapers of faith and life in their children… ~ Ben Freudenburg

Family Ministry is about encouraging and supporting our families in many different ways--through activities, events, Bible studies and times of fellowship, as the families foster, nourish, encourage, and correct the faith of the members of their household 

Families are the central unit of relationship and community since creation. Family is given the responsibility of teaching the next generation about God and what he has done for us.  It is where we all learn to live our lives trusting God and in caring relationships serving others.    

Research has shown over and over again that parents are the number one influence in a person’s life—especially their faith life.  Parents are the primary Christian educators in the church, and the family is the God-ordained institution for building faith in young people and for passing faith on from one generation to the next.

The Holy Spirit brings faith into each life.  God established families and charged them with teaching their children about him.  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deut. 6:5-7).  In Psalm 78 he reminded them of their responsibility, declaring they were to teach their children all about him and what he has done in their lives, so “Then they would put their trust in God…” (Psalm 78:7).  

Remembering what he has done for us in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we will live differently, knowing that His design for life here brings joy now, and ultimate happiness in eternity together forever.   Nothing else we do will matter for our family members if faith in the GOD of the universe and in His plan of salvation through Jesus the Christ is not realized in their lives.

Zion Lutheran Church & School
    15342 Jeraldo Dr., Victorville, CA 92394

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Church: 760-245-9725
      School: 760-243-3074